2 December 2019
SciComm, policy, and outreach at AGU19!
Posted by Shane Hanlon

We. Are. Excited! Credit: Us
By Shane M Hanlon
♩It’s the most, wonderful tiiiiiiiime, of the year! ♫
Yes, I love the holidays, but professional, it’s time for Fall Meeting! And that means allllllll the science communication and policy events at Fall Meeting! (Yes, I’m using a lot of exclamation points. No, I will not regret it.)
We’re continuing our tradition of holding a week of events in a dedicated space, The Sharing Science Room (Moscone West, 2001A. It’s a buildout right after you get off the escalator on the 2nd floor.), and additionally having events that don’t in a week of 10-hour-a-day programming.
Most of our events are listed here on our Sharing Science Field Guide. All are free and open to all attendees. Some highlights:
- Sharing Storytelling through Multimedia: One thing not listed on our guide is our 1/2-day workshop the Sunday before Fall Meeting on 8 December. Hone your scicomm storytelling skills and learn how to share your science via photo, audio, video, and more! The workshop is free but registration is required.
- Open Mic Night: The tradition continues! Join us on the evening on Tuesday, 10 December. Want to show off your skills? Sign up to perform!
- The Story Collider: Join The Story Collider, in partnership with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, for an evening of true, personal stories about science. From returning to New Orleans after Katrina to losing something precious to climate change, hear about the ways we respond to disasters! The event is free but registration is required.
Please stop by the Sharing Science Room to chat. We’ll (Olivia & I) will be there all week!
–Shane M Hanlon is Program Manager of AGU’s Sharing Science Program. Find him at @EcologyOfShane.