26 September 2008 08:20 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Occasionally I like to take a look back at a significant landslide. Today I thought I’d write about the amazing Yigong rock avalanche in Tibet. The location of the landslide is shown on Figure 1: it’s location is 30°14′ N, 94°59′ E, located high on the Tibetan Plateau. Figure 1: Google Earth image showing the location of the Yigong landslide. Click on the image for a better view. The landslide …
Tags: 2000, debris flow, landslide dam, rock avalanche, tibet
26 July 2021 07:55 in landslide video by Dave Petley
There are several videos of the rockslide that destroyed the bridge at Batseri in Himachal Pradesh in India yesterday
Tags: featured, India, landslide video, rockslide, South Asia, video
21 June 2021 08:07 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Melamchi: a landslide dam break flood in Nepal on 14 June 2021 is reported to have killed up to 20 people and caused serious damage
Tags: featured, landslide dam, landslide report, nepal, South Asia, valley blocking landslide
29 March 2021 07:55 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Another giant, high mountain landslide occurred on 22 March 2021, this time close to the Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet. The estimated mass is around 100 million tonnes.
Tags: featured, landslide report, Planet Labs, SE. Asia, tibet
7 October 2020 07:07 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A large, mobile landslide occurred in the Eyjafordur (Eyjafirði) area of northern Iceland yesterday, fortunately causing little damage.
Tags: Europe, featured, Iceland, landslide report
27 July 2020 07:21 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A large, ongoing valley-blocking landslide has developed at Liujing Village in Chongqing, China, triggered by unusually intense monsoon rainfall
Tags: china, East Asia, featured, landslide dam, valley blocking landslide
23 June 2020 06:34 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The Gjerrild Klint landslide on the east coast of Denmark, a classic rotational coastal failure triggered by heavy rainfall
Tags: coastal landslide, Denmark, Europe, featured, landslide report, rotational landslide
22 August 2019 02:43 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Various news agencies in China are reporting multiple landslides triggered by extreme rainfall in the Wenchuan area, and adjacent regions, of China. Reports suggest 44 people have been killed or are missing.
Tags: china, East Asia, featured, landslide report, Wenchuan
2 April 2019 06:59 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
A study has been published of landslides triggered by the 18th November 2017 Ms=6.9 earthquake in the Tsangpo Gorge area of Tibet
Tags: china, earthquake, featured, landslide dam, tibet, valley blocking landslide
25 November 2018 23:44 in Planet Labs by Dave Petley
Planet Labs have captured a high resolution Skysat image of the remains of the valley-blocking Yarlung Tsangpo landslide in Tibet
Tags: East Asia, feaured, glacier, Planet Labs, Tiber, valley blocking landslide
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