6 May 2020 13:37 in Drawn to Geoscience, Online outreach, Public outreach, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, Storytelling, Visuals by Shane Hanlon
Drawing was never my thing. All through high school, I took ceramics (and a couple metals) classes, and in college I added film photography to my suite of hobbies, but for me drawing was mostly just doodling.
Tags: Education, featured, plainspoken scientist, popular science, Science and art, science communication, science outreach, Sharing Science, social media
4 May 2020 08:15 in AGU Rocks, Drawn to Geoscience, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, science and society, Visuals by Shane Hanlon
…today we’re introducing the #AGURocks and #DrawnToGeoScience campaigns. We want to hear your songs and see your drawings. And we want to learn about the inspiration and processes behind them. We’re hoping to not only showcase your works but also provide some inspiration for aspiring artists and musicians out there.
Tags: featured, plainspoken scientist, Science and art, science communication, science outreach, Sharing Science
14 June 2021 08:30 in Climate science communication, Education, Public, Public outreach, Quilt Your Science, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, science and society, Storytelling, Visuals by Shane Hanlon
I’m a geologist, an educator – and yes, a quilter. I’ve been quilting for a number of years, but in 2018, I started focusing my quilts on sharing stories of science. I created a series of quilts on Stitching Hope for the Louisiana Coast, telling stories of adaptation and resilience to the impacts from climate and sea level faced by residents in southern Louisiana. But it wasn’t until this year I sewed my first data visualization quilt.
Tags: climate change, climate change communication, climate communication, Education, featured, plainspoken scientist, Science and art, science communication, science education, science outreach, Sharing Science, storytelling
15 January 2021 11:10 in AGU Rocks, Drawn to Geoscience, Education, Online outreach, Public outreach, Rhyme Your Research, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, science and society, Storytelling by Shane Hanlon
Today we are introducing a new series: #RhymeYourResearch. Inspired by our yearly workshop at our annual meeting, and a close working relationship with the folks over at Consilience, an online poetry journal exploring the spaces where the sciences and the arts meet, we want to feature folks who create science poems.
2 December 2020 09:22 in AGU Fall Meeting, Drawn to Geoscience, Education, Fall Meeting Cartoons, Online outreach, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, Social media, Visuals by Shane Hanlon
“Sketch” implies an unpolished piece of work- something recognizable, good enough to share, but that doesn’t require the hours of patience to make it perfect. There’s a reason that we encourage you to #SketchYourScience- it doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs only be done.
Tags: Education, Fall Meeting, featured, plainspoken scientist, popular science, Science and art, science communication, science education, science outreach, Sharing Science, storytelling
25 September 2020 11:57 in Drawn to Geoscience, SciArt, SciComm, Science and art, science and society, Visuals by Shane Hanlon
Today, I am an interdisciplinary researcher, environmentalist, artist, and educator that employs art-based research methods in tandem with Western science methods to study environmental issues in the field. But life didn’t start out that way.
Tags: Education, featured, Science and art, science blogging, science communication, science outreach, Sharing Science
8 June 2020 09:45 in Uncategorized by Shane Hanlon
By Shane M Hanlon In-person communication is not happening right now. There’s no other/nicer/softer way to put it. But that doesn’t mean you still can’t communicate your science. We in Sharing Science and AGU more broadly have slew of ways you can scicomm via different mediums and with a whole range of time investment. So, ranked from least amount of time to the most, here is our comprehensive list of …
Tags: featured, Science and art, science blogging, science communication, science outreach, social media, storytelling, Tumblr, Twitter