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7 December 2020
#AGU20 Sharing Science Week 1 Recap
One of my favorite features is the ability to watch recordings of the events/sessions afterwards, so if you missed it live, you can catch it later. So, below find a recap of (mostly) Sharing Science events and where to watch them.
2 December 2020
How to Sketch Your Science
“Sketch” implies an unpolished piece of work- something recognizable, good enough to share, but that doesn’t require the hours of patience to make it perfect. There’s a reason that we encourage you to #SketchYourScience- it doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs only be done.
28 December 2018
Drawn to Geoscience: Really, though…what was the OG paleo diet?
By Shane M Hanlon At our annual meeting early this month, researchers presented new findings that brings insight into the diets of Neanderthals. Here a good summary of the work via Eos. AND, we were fortunate enough to have our old friend JoAnna Wendel draw a comic describing the findings! Check it out below. Shane M Hanlon is a Program Manager in AGU’s Sharing Science Program. Follow him @ecologyofshane. JoAnna Wendel is a freelance science …
17 December 2018
Drawn to Geoscience: Tornadoes form from…wait, the ground up?! Seriously?
At our annual meeting last week, researchers presented new findings showing that contrary to popular views, tornadoes may (might) form from the ground up versus from clouds down. Here a good summary of the work via The Washington Post. AND, we were fortunate enough to have our old friend JoAnna Wendel draw a comic describing the findings!
21 December 2016
The hard ideas (science) of big fast waves (tsunamis) explained simply
One last cartoon from Miles Traer: “Inspired by the up-goer five comic from XKCD where I try to explain tsunami science using only the 1,000 most commonly used words in the English language and the AGU Fall Meeting 2016 session NH51D: Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science.”