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28 November 2022

Excitement! Adventure! Sharing Science at #AGU22

Check out events on science communication, policy, art, multimedia, storytelling, and more at AGU22 (AGU’s Fall Meeting).


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23 November 2021

Sharing Science at AGU21

Well, it’s that time of year again. No, not the holidays (well, yes, that too). It’s AGU’s Fall Meeting!


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21 April 2021

Sharing #SciArt: #AGURocks, #DrawnToGeoscience, & #RhymeYourResearch

The goal was to not only showcase thee amazing ways of communicating science via art but to also show folks the creative process behind the creations; to pull back the curtain to hopefully lower the barrier(s) to entry for those who may have thought about scicomm via art but thought that it was too difficult/they didn’t have the talent.


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4 January 2021

Show us your science sketches via #SketchYourScience

If you attended Fall Meeting this year or followed us on social media, you may have noticed some hand-drawn depictions of scientists’ research. We asked scientists at the meeting to draw their research through our #sketchyourscience campaign.


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14 December 2020

#AGU20 Sharing Science Week 2 Recap

While last week went really well, this week we found out stride and, with some experience under our belts, had some fun with it.


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7 December 2020

#AGU20 Sharing Science Week 1 Recap

One of my favorite features is the ability to watch recordings of the events/sessions afterwards, so if you missed it live, you can catch it later. So, below find a recap of (mostly) Sharing Science events and where to watch them.


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2 December 2020

How to Sketch Your Science

“Sketch” implies an unpolished piece of work- something recognizable, good enough to share, but that doesn’t require the hours of patience to make it perfect. There’s a reason that we encourage you to #SketchYourScience- it doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs only be done.


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2 November 2020

Sketch Your Science

Just because Fall Meeting is online this year doesn’t mean you can’t still participate. We’d love it if you shared a drawing—or drawings—of your research area, or you talk/poster, or even the science of someone else whose talk you found interesting, during Fall Meeting.


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7 October 2020

Sharing Science scicomm workshops are now virtual!

By Shane M Hanlon We in Sharing Science do many different things. We’re scicomm trainers/practitioners, communicators, multimedia experts, artists, storytellers, and more. At the core of these various aspects of scicomm is the first item – training. Sharing Science was founded >5 years ago by my colleague Olivia with the goal of providing fellow scientists with the skills, tools, and resources they need to communicate science with any audience. The …


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14 September 2020

Making the switch from in-person to online scicomm storytelling shows

…for this post, I’m taking off my AGU hat (mostly) and stepping into one of my other roles as storyteller and producer. I also work for the science storytelling organization The Story Collider, where scientists and non-scientists alike tell true, personal stories, live on stage. Er…or at least they used to. 


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