7 July 2020 06:42 in landslide video by Dave Petley
On 2 July 2020 a large and interesting mudflow occurred at Günebakan in the Erzincan area of eastern Turkey. The dynamics were captured on video.
Tags: featured, landslide video, mudflow, Turkey, western Asia
20 June 2019 06:01 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Intense rainfall yesterday (19 June 2019) in Turkey triggered a series of devastating debris flows in Arakli, close to the Black Sea coast, killing up to 14 people.
Tags: debris flow, Europe, featured, Turkey
17 May 2019 08:00 in landslide images by Dave Petley
On Thursday 16th May a major slump type landslide occurred at Aybasti in Ordu in northern Turkey, destroying many houses in hillside village
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide report, slump, Turkey
16 May 2019 06:40 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On Tuesday 16th May 2019 a large retaining wall failed in the Basaksehir district of Istanbul in Turkey, killing a passing motorist.
Tags: Europe, featured, retaining wall, Turkey
10 July 2018 06:34 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On Sunday a comparatively small geotechnical failure triggered a train derailment in Turkey, killing 24. The accident serves to illustrate the need for vigilance on earthworks on the railway network.
Tags: culvert, embankment, Europe, featured, landslide report, rail, railway, train, Turkey
29 September 2017 07:04 in landslide report, landslide video by Dave Petley
The Rize area of Turkey experienced heavy rainfall yesterday, triggering fatal landslides and flash floods, some of which were caught on video
Tags: featured, landslide report, landslide video, Turkey
30 April 2017 07:29 in landslide video by Dave Petley
In the last couple of weeks a set of really good landslide videos has appeared on Youtube, including an excellent film of a rockslide on Highway 101
Tags: california, featured, India, landslide video, Turkey, video, Vietnam
21 November 2016 06:30 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On Thursday a large rockslide in a copper mine at Siirt in Turkey buried 16 miners. Remarklably, the landslide appears to have been recorded on a video.
Tags: Europe, featured, mine, mining, rockslide, Turkey
5 June 2016 08:08 in landslide video by Dave Petley
Three new landslide videos have appeared on Youtube: a road slope collapse from Hechi in China, a quarry landslide in Anatolia in Turkey & the collapse of a slope by a tunnel portal in Colombia
Tags: china, Colombia, featured, highway, landslide video, quarry, road, tunnel, Turkey
17 February 2016 07:56 in landslide video by Dave Petley
Youtube has a dramatic new landslide video from Yaglidere in Turkey, showing a failure in fine grained materials that transitions to a rapid flow
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide video, Turkey
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