You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
5 April 2022
Mount Bolu: an interesting case study of a tunnel portal landslide in Turkey
Mount Bolu: an interesting case study of a tunnel portal landslide that blocked a major highway in Turkey on 3 April 2022
6 October 2021
Heishui: a rockslide at a tunnel portal in Sichuan Province, China
An interesting and potentially very dangerous rockslide was caught on video in Heishui, in Sichuan Province in China. Fortunately there were no casualties.
5 October 2020
The Jimei landslide: inducing reactivation of an ancient failure through tunneling
In a new paper in the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Wang et al. (2020) describe the impact of a tunnel on the ancient Jimie landslide in China
16 April 2020
The collapse of the Dehdasht-Pataveh tunnel portal in Iran
Two interesting new landslide videos – a slump in residual soil and the collapse of the Dehdasht – Pataveh tunnel portal in Iran
5 June 2016
Three interesting new landslide videos – Colombia, Hechi in China and Anatolia in Turkey
Three new landslide videos have appeared on Youtube: a road slope collapse from Hechi in China, a quarry landslide in Anatolia in Turkey & the collapse of a slope by a tunnel portal in Colombia
5 April 2016
Heavy rainfall brings extensive landsliding to Kohistan and other parts of northern Pakistan
Heavy rainfall in northern Pakistan has triggered multiple landslides and rockfalls, including a major failure in Kohistan that may have killed 38 people in addition to many landslides on the Karakoram Highway
27 June 2015
Lac du Chambon – a rapidly failing landslide that has disrupted the Tour de France
In the Alps a progressively failing landslide on the banks of the Lac du Chambon has required a change to the route of a famous stage of the Tour de France
4 February 2015
Harbury Tunnel landslide: an update from Network Rail
Yesterday Network Rail released more information, and some good images, of the Harbury Tunnel landslide in Central England. The images suggest a complex failure mechanism involving 350,000 tonnes of material
9 March 2009
The loss of a geotechnical great – Sir Alan Muir-Wood
The Daily Telegraph is today carrying an obituary of Sir Alan Muir-Wood. Whilst Sir Alan will be best remembered as one of the modern-day fathers of tunnelling, his early work was focused on erosion on the south coast of England. For example, he was responsible for developing an understanding of the Folkestone Warren landslide in Kent in SE England (see image below), and for many other coastal slopes beside. His …
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