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10 July 2018
Tekirdag Province, Turkey: a geotechnical failure caused a derailment, killing 24 people
On Sunday a comparatively small geotechnical failure triggered a train derailment in Turkey, killing 24. The accident serves to illustrate the need for vigilance on earthworks on the railway network.
7 September 2016
Why maintaining forest roads is important – a large landslide triggered by a small culvert failure
Why maintaining forest roads is important – a large landslide triggered by a small culvert failure in the Six Rivers National Forest in California
28 September 2012
An update on the catastrophic foundation erosion at Newburn, NE England
An update on the catastrophic erosion that undermined an apartment block in Newburn, near Newcastle, earlier this week
14 September 2010
Road failure video from Thailand
Thanks to my former student Kurtis Garbutt for the heads up on this one. The video below shows the progressive development of a road in Thailand. I suspect that this initiated as a culvert failure, with multiple collapses due to undercutting: The final frames of the video show an overview of the site. Check out where the people are standing! As an aside, Kurtis also runs a very interesting blog …
18 May 2009
Culvert failure video
Whilst this is not strictly a landslide, the video below of the failure of a culvert makes very interesting viewing. The ability of the channelled water to erode rapidly is a lesson that is often forgotten. The video was captured by photojournalist Kevyn Fowler in Freeport, Maine during a storm.
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