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16 April 2020
The collapse of the Dehdasht-Pataveh tunnel portal in Iran
Two interesting new landslide videos – a slump in residual soil and the collapse of the Dehdasht – Pataveh tunnel portal in Iran
18 September 2019
Landslides in Art Part 30: Erica Putis
Landslides in Art Part 30: “Doing the Electric Landslide”, an oil painting by Erica Putis, part of her Man Made Destruction series
17 May 2019
Ordu: a major slump type landslide in Turkey
On Thursday 16th May a major slump type landslide occurred at Aybasti in Ordu in northern Turkey, destroying many houses in hillside village
23 February 2015
Fauquier Golf Course – the evolution of a landslide
The Fauquier Golf Course landslide is picked up very clearly in two Google Earth images, one of which dates back ten years, suggesting that last week’s large slumping event has been developing over a long period.
21 February 2015
Fauquier golf course – an interesting large-scale slump
An interesting and quite large slmup has developed on the golf course of the small community of Fauquier in Britsih Columbia, Canada in recent days
21 May 2014
Zenica: a spectacular landslide video from Bosnia
A new video has appeared on Youtube showing a spectacular earthflow / slump developing at Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
30 November 2009
Slumps caused by thawing ground on Mars and Earth
The Planetary Geomorphology Working Group of the International Association of Geomorphologists has a rather nice article online comparing the landforms caused by slumping during thawing of the ground with similar features that have been seen on Mars. The article is available here: On Earth, thaw slumps occur in permafrost areas like Alaska. This is an oblique aerial image of these features, taken from the site above: The Natural Resources Canada …
16 October 2009
The Naches / Nile River landslide and the role of the quarry
Spectacular image of the Naches / Nile River landslide, from the Washington State DNR Flickr site Hat tip to Andrew Giles for pointing this out to me. The Seattle Times have run an article today about the role of the quarry in the triggering of the Naches landslide. They quite rightly point out that there is no firm evidence either way as to whether the quarry played a role or …
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