8 October 2021
#AntarcticLog: Kids are our (climate) future
Posted by Shane Hanlon
#AntarcticLog is a series of comics by Karen Romano Young. You can find the originals here.
When I think about what the world’s kids have been through for the last year and a half — since the start of the pandemic — I want to cry. And yet look at them — out stumping for climate change action, using their artwork to voice their concerns, wishes, and — as it right for the next generation — demands.
This week’s comic — #199 in the history of #AntarcticLog! — depicts kids around the world taking part in protests.
It’s a revisit of the big climate protests that occurred pre-pandemic, thanks to the inspiration of Greta Thunberg and fellow youth activists:
Here’s the first protest-sign comic. These were so popular I made them into #AntarcticLog stickers.
And finally, as I’ve been paying attention to youth action worldwide, I came upon this excuse letter, penned by parents in Cornwall, U.K.
If your kids want to skip school to protest, it’s up to you. I’ve got a great answer to the question of what use geometry etc will be in their future lives, but the answer to what use climate change activism will be in their future lives — and your grandchildren’s — matters more.
–Karen Romano Young is a writer, artist, deep-sea diver, and polar explorer. Follow her on Twitter & Instagram.