23 May 2022
#AntarcticLog: Communicating climate science
Posted by Shane Hanlon
#AntarcticLog is a series of comics by Karen Romano Young. You can find the originals here.
I’ve been listening to teachers, and reading their words. They’re overtired, overworked, underpaid, and, when it comes to science teachers, extra worried: they’re concerned about the hard line that has been drawn by many people against science.
I started #AntarcticLog on this exact note. While PQ-ing (physically qualifying) for my trip to Antarctica, a conversation with a phlebotomist gave me my first visual story.
I knew I’d be working with scientists who were on the cutting edge of climate research — both in Antarctica and back home — and I realized right then and there how important it would be to portray their observations and concerns to “regular people” — and children.
Coming up with the right image or metaphor — a canary in the coal mine, a backyard observation, a first-hand experience — became a necessity in my work.
And I wasn’t the only one trying to cross the line and meet nonscientists halfway. There are many of us working on this — communicators, teachers, journalists — and doing what we can to help.
This week’s #AntarcticLog comic zeroes in on the work of the National Council of Science Education, and even features a link to the place to go on their site to find assistance teaching climate change.
–Karen Romano Young is a writer, artist, deep-sea diver, and polar explorer. Follow her on Twitter & Instagram.