14 April 2021 08:37 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A small dog, a Jack Russell Terrier, had a lucky escape when it was rescued three days after being caught in a rockfall in North Yorkshire
Tags: dog, featured, landslide report, North Yorkshire, rockfall
11 February 2013 10:07 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A war of words has broken out over the landslide at Knipe Point in North Yorkshire, centred on whether an alleged leaking pipe is to blame. The residents have a consultant’s report suggesting that this is the case; Yorkshire Water and McCain’s take a different view
Tags: coastal, featured, Knipe, till, UK, Yorkshire
1 March 2021 08:18 in Oddities by Dave Petley
Staithes: an interesting place to pitch a tent for the weekend. A couple and their child pitched their tent on the top of a landslide block
Tags: camping, england, Europe, featured, tent, UK
3 April 2019 06:46 in Research project by Dave Petley
High resolution monitoring of a natural rock slope in the southern Japanese Alps has provided insight into the complexity of the timing of rockfalls
Tags: East Asia, featured, japan, montiring, research, rockfalls
17 February 2014 08:28 in Review of a paper, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A review of our new paper (Brain et al 2014) that examines the role of fatigue in rockfall generation
Tags: cliff, fatigue, featured, paper, rockfall, UK
11 December 2013 00:55 in Conference by Dave Petley
The first two days of landslides at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013
Tags: AGU, conference, Fall, San Francisco
8 January 2013 21:31 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The BGS have posted an article about increased occurrence of British landslides recently. There is an interesting spatial relationshipwith Met Office rainfall data.
Tags: database, featured, landslide report, UK
20 December 2012 14:21 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Heavy rainfall falling onto saturated ground across the UK is triggering more landslides today
Tags: featured, landslide event, landslide report, UK
28 November 2012 22:47 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A damaging landslide in Whitby, England triggered by recent heavy rainfall. A row of cottages will be demolished today.
Tags: featured, landslide report, UK, Yorkshire
9 March 2010 17:22 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
We are running a free workshop on erosion on 19th March 2010 in North Yorkshire, UK. Details in the flyer below, together with contact details (click on the image for a better view in a new window). Please do register to come along!
Tags: coastal erosion, North Yorkshire, UK, workshop
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