You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
1 June 2020
Eastchurch – a coastal landslide in Kent, SE England
Two coastal landslides at Eastchurch in Kent, SE England have caused serious damage to a house located close to the edge of the cliff.
6 January 2017
Collapsing Arctic coastlines
In a paper just published in Nature Climate Change, Michael Fritz and colleagues have highlighted the environmental impacts of collapsing Arctic coastlines.
8 November 2016
Recent increases in the retreat rate of chalk cliffs in southern England
A new study published in PNAS has examined the long term retreat rate of chalk coastal cliffs in S. England, finding that the erosion rate has increased by an order of magnitude in modern times
11 February 2013
The Knipe Point landslide – arguments over the cause of the failure
A war of words has broken out over the landslide at Knipe Point in North Yorkshire, centred on whether an alleged leaking pipe is to blame. The residents have a consultant’s report suggesting that this is the case; Yorkshire Water and McCain’s take a different view
30 November 2012
Multiple landslides in the UK in the last week
A selection of landslides triggered by the recent uusually heavy rainfall across the UK
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