New landslide(s?) in Colombia – 15 people reported killed
14 December 2011 08:46 in landslide report by Dave Petley
15 people are reported to have been killed in a large landslide in northern Colombia
14 December 2011 08:46 in landslide report by Dave Petley
15 people are reported to have been killed in a large landslide in northern Colombia
10 December 2011 01:50 in landslide video, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A remarkable new video has emerged of a landslide at Paz de Río, Boyacá in Colombia.
8 November 2011 07:46 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A review of landslide impacts since 2002 in Colombia.
7 November 2011 09:05 in landslide report by Dave Petley
On Saturday two landslides occurred in Colombia. The largest, in Manizales, killed at least 29 people.
15 April 2011 07:26 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The start of the winter season in Colombia is being associated with the dfebelopment of heavy rainfall, resulting in floods and landslides (see link here in Spanish). Yesterday a large landslide occurred near to near El Diamante on the road between Manizales and Bogota. Unfortunately, at the time a small bus was passing through – the landslide is reported to have knocked the bus into a ravine, killing 14 people …
23 December 2010 09:19 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
News reports coming out of Colombia this morning suggest that there has been yet another large landslide in that battered country. Colombia Reports is carrying a story that a landslide occurred yesterday in Santander Province in the north of the country. The landslide is reported to have struck a small hamlet between Rionegro and El Playon, destroying the a number of houses and reportedly burying 20 people.
11 December 2010 04:49 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
This article provides a brief assessment of the Bello landslide in Colombia, which is now thought to have killed about 120 people. It prfesents a hypothesis about the possible cause of the landslide.
7 December 2010 16:34 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
According to the latest report in El Tiempo, the large landslide in La Gabriela, Bello in Colombia is now through to have killed 124 people. Of these victims, the bodies of 36 people have been recovered to date, but rescue operations are being hampered by concerns about the potential for further landslides. The landslide itself is now thought to have had a volume of about 8000 cubic metres and a …
5 December 2010 20:54 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Colombia is currently suffering from exceptional rainfall, inducing widespread flooding and disruption. Yesterday a landslide occurred in the suburbs of Medellin in a very poor settlement called Bello, destroying a number of dwellings. At the moment there appears to be great confusion as to the likely impact of the slide, with the reported number of buried people ranging from 50 to 200 or more. The local national paper, El Tiempo, has a more considered report that includes eye-witness statements.
17 November 2008 14:20 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On Sunday a landslide occurred in the El Polbado neighborhood of the city of Medellin in Colombia. It is believed that 12 people were killed. has published the following images of the aftermath of the event: It is clear that this happened in a fairly wealthy area of the town, unlike many landslides in S and C. America, which occur in the slums and garbage dumps. Steep slopes are …
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