22 November 2018 08:23 in landslide images by Dave Petley
NPA Satellite Mapping have completed a pre-failure analysis of the Fagraskogarfjall landslide in Iceland using InSAR data. Up to 2 metres of movement occurred in the year before the main collapse.
Tags: creep, Europe, featured, INSAR, mapping, satellite
24 July 2018 05:58 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Planet Labs have captured a high resolution SkySat image of the Fagraskogarfjall landslide in Iceland. It shows the complex hummocky topography of the landslide deposit.
Tags: Europe, featured, hummocks, Iceland, Planet Labs, satellite, SkySat
17 June 2016 07:03 in Review of a paper by Dave Petley
In a paper just published in the journal landslides, Haque et al (2016) present data on fatal landslides in Europe between 1995 and 2014
Tags: database, fatal, fatalities, featured, paper, review
23 March 2013 00:01 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A post providing a spectaular example of columnar jointing from Iceland, examining the role that joints play in rockfalls
Tags: gorge, Iceland, joints, rockfall
15 March 2011 21:10 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
This post explores whether Friday’s magnitude 9 earthquake in offshore Sendai in Japan was a surprising event from a geological perspective, concluding that there are few aspects of this event that have not been observed elsewhere before.
Tags: earthquake, featured, japan, tsunami
19 April 2010 11:37 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Over the weekend I have been watching and reading the media response to the aviation ban resulting from the Eyjafjallajoekull ash cloud, and reading some of the online discussions. I would like to make four observations from a natural hazards perspective: A. This event is the result of a “perfect storm”.I have been surprised by the lack of reflection by the media, including by some scientists (see below), that the …
Tags: ash, aviation, volcano
30 March 2010 20:36 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The Mountain Cat Geology blog has an astonishing image of a lavafall in Iceland following the recent eruption (click on the image for a better view in a new window): I wonder whether this is technically a landslide, given that it is a mass movement consisting entirely of rock?
Tags: flow, lava, volcano
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