You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
8 January 2021
Brumadinho: signs of precursory deformation
A new paper (Grebby et al 2021) uses InSAR to detect precursory deformation of the Brumadinho tailings dam before the disastrous failure in 2019. The authors suggest that the failure might have been predictable with use of appropriate monitoring techniques.
25 February 2020
Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia
Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia Back in 2012 I posted about the levels of landslide losses in Colombia, which is one of the most landslide prone countries, based on my fatal landslide database. I noted that levels of loss are high, especially in the western side of the country, and that Colombia needs to be a priority country if we are to reduce loss worldwide. It …
29 October 2019
Landslide movement mechanisms: evidence from longitudinal ridges on Mars
Longitudinal ridges: a new study (Magnarini et al. 2019) of a massive landslide on Mars provides insights into the movement mechanisms of rock avalanches
2 July 2019
The huge September 2018 Naga landslide in the Philippines: a first published analysis
A first analysis of the mining-induced September 2018 Naga landslide, which killed 134 people and destroyed almost 60 houses
28 June 2019
The chains of geologic hazards arising from earthquakes
In a simply wonderful paper just published in Reviews of Geophysics, which is open access, Fan et al. (2019) review the literature on chains of geologic hazards arising from large earthquakes, with a focus on the Ch-Chi and Wenchuan events.
13 May 2019
Tailings dam failures: an interesting perspective article in Science
A Perspectives article in Science (Santamarina et al. 2019) argues that we need a better understanding of the processes leading to tailings dam failures as well as greatly improved management and regulation of tailings facilities
23 April 2018
The Sucun rockslide in Lishui, China in 2016
In September 2016 the Sucun rockslide killed 27 people in Zhejiang Province, China. This landslide has now been analysed in a paper published in Landslides by Ouyang et al (2018)
13 December 2017
Submarine landslides during the growth of volcanic islands
In a new paper, Hunt and Jarvis (2017) demonstrate that multiple large submarine landslides have occurred close to the Canary Islands in the last 7 million years.
27 September 2017
Heifangtai terrace: spectacular loess flowslides in Gansu Province, China
In a new paper in the journal Engineering Geology, Qi et al. (2017) describe spectacular loess landslides from the Heifangtai terrace in China
27 January 2017
Cromwell Gorge: earthquake-induced groundwater changes in very deep-seated landslides
In new paper, O’Brien et al. (2016) report that regional earthquakes generate substantial changes in the groundwater level in landslides in Cromwell Gorge, New Zealand
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