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18 January 2021
Gravity always wins: in New Zealand landslides are more deadly than earthquakes
Gravity always wins: new research by GNS Science has shown that in New Zealand landslides are more deadly than earthquakes
24 October 2019
The social impact of landslides in Mexico
Landslides in Mexico: a new study (Diaz et al, 2019) shows that landslides have caused at least 3447 fatalities since 1935.
6 August 2019
July 2019: a record-breaking landslide month for fatal landslides
In July 2019 I recorded the highest monthly number of fatal landslides since I started to collect the data in 2012. In total, I recorded 100 fatal landslides
14 March 2019
Losses from landslides in South Korea
A new paper in Engineering Geology documents loss inducing landslides in South Korea from 1970 to 2018, revealing that 1728 people have lost their lives.
24 August 2018
Global fatal landslide occurrence from 2004 to 2016
Melanie Froude and I have just published in NHESS a new analysis of global fatal landslide occurrence from 2004 to 2016 inclusive. It shows that losses from landslides caused by humans are increasing with time
20 July 2018
Losses from landslides in China – a new study
In a new paper in the journal Landslides, Lin and Wong (2018) analyse losses from landslides in China from 1950 to 2016. They show that, excluding earthquake triggered events, 28,139 people died in 1233 fatal landslide events.
19 April 2017
Losses from landslides in Colombia: the long term picture
Overnight there are reports of further deaths from landslides in Colombia. Data since 2004 suggests that landslides continue to inflict a high cost there
30 January 2017
The human cost of landslides in 2016
Analysis of my landslide database shows that the human cost of landslides in 2016 was lower than average, although the number of events was high
7 November 2016
The 2016 landslide year to the end of October
Using my data, I have analysed the 2016 landslide year to the end of October. The number of events is significantly higher than for 2015.
17 June 2016
Review of a paper: fatal landslides in Europe
In a paper just published in the journal landslides, Haque et al (2016) present data on fatal landslides in Europe between 1995 and 2014
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