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13 February 2019
Pre-failure movement analysis of the Su Village (Sucun) landslide in China
A new paper published in Landslides examines movement of the Su Village (Sucun) landslide in China, which killed 27 people in 2016, using InSAR techniques
8 February 2018
Predicting failure using ground-based radar and INSAR
In a new paper in Engineering Geology, Carla et al (2018) demonstrate how a combination of ground-based radar and INSAR could have been used to predict a major landslide in a copper mine
29 January 2018
Rattlesnake Hills rockslide – anticipating future behaviour
The Rattlesnake Hills rockslide in Washington State continues to creep at an approximately constant rate. The key challenge now is to determine whether the slide can transition into a rapid failure eventThe Rattlesnake Hills rockslide in Washington State continues to creep at an approximately constant rate. The key challenge now is to determine whether the slide can transition into a rapid failure event
17 January 2018
The fascinating Rattlesnake Hills landslide in Washington State
The Rattlesnake Hills landslide in Washington State has continued to develop over the last few days. The movement pattern of the landslide appears to be highly complex
16 May 2017
The Pas de l’Ours landslide: an actively moving rockslide in the Queyras Valley of France
The Pas de l’Ours landslide: a very large and potentially-problematic actively-moving rockslide in the Queyras Valley of France
28 July 2016
Illgraben debris flow video
A fantastic video has been posted on Youtube showing a very large debris flow in the Illgraben catchment in Canton Vallais, Switzerland.
28 April 2016
Forecasting the time of failure: the Preonzo rockslide
In a wonderful new paper in the journal Landslides, Simon Loew and collagues describe the use of monitoring data to forecast the failure of the 2012 Preonzo rockslide in Switzerland
15 September 2015
Live landslide monitoring data from Nepal
A team from Durham University is undertaking landslide monitoring of ten slopes in Nepal that were damaged in the April 2015 earthquake. The data is being streamed online in real time.
11 February 2015
Val Parghera:- A fascinating stop motion video of a large rockslide
The Geopraevent team has posted a very interesting stop motion video showing movement of the Val Parghera rockslide in Switzerland over an 18 month period
12 November 2014
Mannen landslide: latest status report
The creep rate of the Mannen landslide in Norway has now declined to 2 mm per day. The risk level has been reduced from red to yellow, but the landslide still requires monitoring
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