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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

16 February 2022

Petrópolis: heavy rainfall causes landslides and floods

Rainfall intensities of over 100 mm per hour have triggered extensive landslides in the city of Petrópolis in Brazil. Two dramatic videos have been posted online showing the landslides.


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14 January 2022

Ouro Preto: a Brazilian landslide destroys historic houses

Remarkable drone footage from two angles has captured a landslide in Ouro Preto in Brazil yesterday, which destroyed two 19th Century houses


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13 January 2022

The Pau Branco landslide – video of the overtopping of the dam

The 8 January 2022 Pau Branco landslide in mine waste – CCTV footage has now emerged showing the overtopping of the dam


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12 January 2022

Flow from the mining landslide at Pau Branco

Flow from the mining landslide at Pau Branco The mining landslide at Pau Branco caused a significant release of mine waste, which appears to have flowed into the water retention structure below.  This image, from the Observatório da Mineração, shows the flow path:- . As the image shows, the landslide overtopped the retaining structure, which remained essentially intact (note the superficial erosion on either side of the dam abutments).  The …


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11 January 2022

Pau Branco: another significant mining-related landslide in Brazil

On 8 January 2022 a significant landslide occurred at the Pau Branco iron ore mine in Brazil, operated by the French company Vallourec.


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10 January 2022

The fatal rock topple at Canyon de Furnas in Brazil

. The fatal rock topple at Cânyon de Furnas in Brazil Many thanks to the various people who have contacted me over the weekend about the fatal rock topple at Canyon de Furnas in Brazil on Saturday morning (8 January 2022), as shown in the image above.  This event, which was caught on a dramatic video, has received considerable attention in part because of the spectacular nature of the event …


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17 May 2021

The 17-18 December 2020 landslide disaster in Presidente Getúlio, southern Brazil

The 17-18 December 2020 rainfall-induced landslide disaster in Presidente Getúlio, southern Brazil, which killed 21 people.


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7 May 2021

The March 2011 landslides in Antonina and Morretes, Brazil

The March 2011 landslides in Antonina and Morretes, Brazil, which were triggered by unusually intense rainfall.


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8 January 2021

Brumadinho: signs of precursory deformation

A new paper (Grebby et al 2021) uses InSAR to detect precursory deformation of the Brumadinho tailings dam before the disastrous failure in 2019. The authors suggest that the failure might have been predictable with use of appropriate monitoring techniques.


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4 March 2020

Baixada Santista: significant landslides in Brazil this week

Heavy rainfall on 2 and 3 March 2020 triggered many landslides in the urban area of Baixada Santista in SE Brazil, killing at least 18 people.


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