10 March 2014 07:51 in presentation by Dave Petley
The powerpoint file from my UBC Geological Engineering Distinguished Lecture on Earthquake Induced Landslides
Tags: Canada, china, earthquake, landslide, lecture, New Zealand, pakistan, presentation, taiwan, UBC
13 February 2014 08:38 in Earthquake-induced landslide, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On 12 February 2014 a Mw=6.9 earthquake struck Xinjiang in China. Images are emerging of some of the landslides that it triggered.
Tags: china, earthquake, featured, landslide report, lateral spread, loess, rockfall
29 July 2013 07:22 in landslide video by Dave Petley
How did the passengers in the car filmed being hit by a soil fall in Shaanxi, China survive the landslide?
Tags: china, featured, landslide video, soil fall
24 July 2013 16:58 in landslide report, landslide video by Dave Petley
Two new videos on Youtube show landslides in China. One features the aftermath of a loess landslide, the other a rockslide above a community
Tags: china, featured, landslide video, loess, rockslide
11 July 2013 06:57 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Exceptional monsoon rainfall across Central China has caused very extensive damage, including many landslides, in the areas affected by the 2008 earthquake
Tags: china, featured, landslide report, typhoon
13 May 2013 06:38 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A dangerous landslide has developed on the banks of the Laxiwa HEP station in China. The displacement to date is >25 metres and the mass is over 100 million cubic metres.
Tags: china, dam, featured, hydroelectric powe, Vajontr
22 April 2013 07:02 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
A collection of images of landslides from the earthquake in Sichuan. Whilst the level of lass from landslides is unclear, there is no doubt that they are causing disruption to the rescue efforts
Tags: china, earthquake, featured, landslide images, landslide report, seismic, sichuan
11 January 2013 08:19 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A large landslide in China overnight has killed at least 18 people, with up to 37 more people reported missing.
Tags: china, earthflow, featured, landslide report
10 September 2012 17:44 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
A video of the immediate aftermath of the Yunnan earthquake sequence in China on Friday. Landslides are clearly a major cause of loss of life and of damage.
Tags: china, earthquake, featured, images, video
7 September 2012 13:24 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
As you may have guessed I have been on holiday! Anyway, normal service is now resumed. Early this morning Southwest China was shaken by four small earthquakes. Usually events of this magnitude – 5.6, 4.9, 5.6 and 4.8 (shown using a USGS screenshot above) – would not be sufficiently large to be worth reporting. Surprisingly though they appear to have caused considerable damage. Xinhua is currently report 50 fatalities and …
Tags: china, earthquake, featured, landslide report
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