8 October 2014 06:50 in landslide images by Dave Petley
Two German motorcyclists, undertaking a round the world tour, have posted a set of images of the current state of the Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal
Tags: featured, landslide report, nepal, sunkoshi
24 September 2014 07:09 in landslide images by Dave Petley
Geotechnical engineer has kindly sent some images he took earlier this week when walking along the Arniko Highway past the Sunkoshi landslide. The images show the very poor condition of the highway after te recent heavy rainfall.
Tags: featured, landslide report, nepal, South Asia, sunkoshi
8 September 2014 10:05 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The Sunkoshi landslide dam in Nepal breached and drained early on Sunday morning. The discharge data suggests that the breach was initiated in response to increased river flow caused by heavy rainfall.
Tags: featured, landslide dam, landslide report, nepal, South Asia, sunkoshi
24 August 2014 22:23 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The level of the lake behind the Sunkoshi landslide dam shows no signs of reducing, despite extensive efforts by the army to widen the channels
Tags: featured, landslide dam, landslide report, nepal, South Asia, sunkoshi
18 August 2014 21:54 in landslide report by Dave Petley
An update on the valley-blocking Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal, where efforts to drain the lake continue to proceed slowly amidst growing signs of unrest about the loss of the trade route to Tibet
Tags: featured, landslide dam, nepal, sunkoshi, tibet, valley blocking landslide
7 August 2014 11:30 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The Bhote Kosi landslide crisis continues, with little reduction in the level of the lake despite the best efforts of the Nepal Army
Tags: Bhote Kosi, featured, landslide report, nepal, valley blocking landslide
5 August 2014 07:46 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Unusually there are two valley-blocking landslides causing concerns at present, in Nepal & China, whilst recovery operations at Malin in India continue
Tags: earthquake, featured, India, landslide report, nepal, valley-blocing landslide, yunnan
4 August 2014 07:40 in landslide report, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The Sunkoshi landslide crisis in Nepal is now into day 3. The level of the lake may be dropping but the level of hazard remains high
Tags: featured, landslide report, nepal, sunkoshi
2 August 2014 07:50 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A massive landslide in the Sunkoshi Valley of northern Nepal has created an instant, very serious valley-blocking landslide crisis
Tags: Arniko highway, featured, landslide dam, nepal, valley blocking landslide
30 June 2015 07:12 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
The Araniko Highway is the main route that links Nepal with Tibet. In the wake of the recent earthquake it is facing major landslide problems in the monsoon
Tags: earthquake, featured, landslide report, monsoon, nepal, South Asia
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