17 July 2018

Nanyu Township: a very large landslide in Gansu Province on Thursday 12th July 2018

Posted by Dave Petley

Nanyu Township: a very large landslide in Gansu Province on Thursday 12th July 2018

Xinhua has posted some images of a very large, partially valley blocking landslide that occurred at Nanyu Township in Zhouqu County, located in Gansu Province, China.  The landslide, which was triggered by rainfall, is reported to have a volume of about 5 million cubic metres.  The best image of the landslide itself is this one, from Xinhua, which shows the lower portion of the displaced mass.  It is clear that it has greatly constricted the river channel:-

Nanyu township

The large landslide at Nanyu Township in Zhouqu County, northwest China’s Gansu Province. Image via Xinhua.


The partial blockage of the river has caused extensive flooding:-

Nanyu township

Flooding upstream of the landslide at Nanyu township in Gansu Province. Image via Xinhua.


On Google Earth the area affected by the landslide appears to be as below.  The location is 33.719, 104.421:-

Nanyu township

Google Earth image of the landslide at Nanyu township in Gansu Province


My interpretation of this is that the failure is on a large, pre-existing landslide.  From the Google Earth imagery considerable slope modification has occurred.  The section of the slope that has failed in this event is shown in the image below:-

Google Earth image of the portion of slope that failed in the Nanyu township landslide


This section of slope shows considerable signs of distress and instability, and it is interesting to note that the river has a series of rapids in this area.

Gansu Province has a long landslide history.  The following posts highlight landslides in this part of China:-