24 February 2023

#AntarcticLog: Being Berg 

Posted by Shane Hanlon

#AntarcticLog is a series of comics by Karen Romano Young. You can find the originals here.
So you’ve always wanted to be an iceberg, to travel the world, bestowing fresh water and, just in general, being awesome? Here’s how: 
I learn something new every week that I do an #AntarcticLog comic. Although I’ve investigated bergs before, seeing whose eyes are trained on icebergs (there are a number of eyes)
and why it’s important to follow them, whether it’s from afar —
or close up — 
There’s just one organization that monitors and names the world’s icebergs — the U.S. National Ice Center (NIC). 
Karen Romano Young is a writer, artist, deep-sea diver, and polar explorer. Follow her on Twitter & Instagram.