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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

22 June 2011

Slope tectonics – a video and a conference

Dave flags a forthcoming conference on slope tectonics and highlights a video of incipient landslides in the coastal cliffs near to New Zealand


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14 June 2011

Rockfalls from M=6.3 aftershock in Christchurch, New Zealand

Dave provides a brief review of the high levels of shaking associated with the M=6.3 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand yesterday, and examines the rockfalls that were the result.


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19 April 2011

Rockfalls and landslides from the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch

A stunning set of GNS images and information about the rockfalls and landslides caused by the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand


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11 April 2011

Landslides in art part 10: Charles Emilius Gold

The latest in the series of posts on the depiction of landslides in various types of art; this time, the topic is a paintging by Charles Emilius Gold showing a seismically-triggered landslides near to Wellington in New Zealand.


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8 March 2011

Distorted railway lines in the Christchurch Earthquake

After the September 2010 Darfield earthquake I posted Malcolm Teesdale’s now famous image of distorted railway track. This post provides an update in light of the Christchurch earthquake, including an explanation as to why this type of deformation can occur in tracks.


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26 February 2011

Boulder vs house – landslide losses in the Christchurch earthquake

A review of the latest information about rockfalls triggered by the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand


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23 February 2011

On the causes of the high levels of loss in the Christchurch earthquake

An examination of the key reasons why a comparatively small (mw = 6.3) earthquake has been responsible for such high losses in Christchurch, New Zealand


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22 February 2011

First news of the Mw=6.3 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

An initial evaluation of the Mw = 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand this morning.


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19 November 2010

The Pike River Coal Mine accident

Although the key focus of my research is landslides, I also spend some of my time working with mining companies.  Thus, the Pike River accident in New Zealand is of interest.  The blast today appears to have left at least 27 miners trapped underground; at the time of writing there has been no contact with the missing workers, although rescue operations are clearly underway.  All modern mines have fully trained …


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3 November 2010

Updates – the Canterbury earthquake railway line; Hurricane Tomas and Haiti; and Manchhar lake in Pakistan

This is a general update email on a range of recent posts: 1. The railway line affected by the Canterbury Earthquake in New Zealand Yesterday I posted the image to the left of the deformation to a railway line were it crossed the surface expression of the fault that was responsible for the Canterbury Earthquake in New Zealand.  A number of people contributed to the discussion (thanks to you all) …


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