7 June 2010
Attabad – an increasingly difficult hazard to manage
Posted by Dave Petley
Apologies to all who emailed and left messages over the weekend requesting updates.
FWO data collected at 8 am on Saturday suggests that the rate of flow was 124.6 cumecs, whilst the Pamir Times reported yesterday that it was 131.7 cumecs. If so, the discharge time graph looks like this:
Thus, the discharge is apparently stabilising. Various media reports from the site itself suggest that downward erosion of the channel has now reduced, but that some lateral erosion is still occurring. I have not seen any images to confirm this though. The lake has stopped rising for now.
It is hard from here to assess the current position with regards to the dam, or to forecast what will happen next. However, from the start I have held the view that managing this hazard would be somewhat challenging if stable flow became established. The chronic hazard has not gone away, although the acute hazard may have reduced. As there is still a vast quantity of water stored in the landscape, the dam remains vulnerable to a series of processes, including:
- An unexpected increase in erosion rate;
- Erosion during flood events (the discharge of the Hunza will rise substantially in the next few weeks);
- A further landslide on the banks of the lake, which could trigger a wave;
- A seismic event.
Thus, NDMA have a huge challenge ahead in deciding when to allow people to move back into the high hazard area. They will also need to decide whether to initiate erosion through the use of a controlled blast. This is not an unenviable decision to make. Inevitably, there are some exerting pressure to initiate a breach to drain the lake, whilst others are happy with the status quo.
Meanwhile, of course those on the upstream side remain isolated, with a huge lake impeding access. The Karakoram Highway remains closed indefinitely, although the boat service has been resumed. During summer floods, when inflow may briefly exceed outflow, the lake level could rise again by a small amount, unless progressive erosion of the spillway serves to lower the lake level. Thus, overall, many challenges remain at Attabad.; it will be interesting to see how NDMA responds to them.
Dave.. Pamirtimes has finally a new pict of the spillway.. can you please comment on that? Thankshttp://pamirtimes.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/spillwaynew1.jpg
Dave, very well explained. A real challenge ahead.
Dave, the coming monsoon could be a spoiler. In the most recent pictures of the spillway.. the size of the spillway channel is still quite small compared to the overall blockage. any idea of the dimensions ( x,y,z) of the blockage?
Thanks David for giving us the latest,it becomes a challenging situation there possibly it will take another month of long slow erosion till august when Hunza river will be in its peak. hope for a smooth end of this lake.
If you look at the "waterline" from the latest photo at pamirtimes where the coulor is turning from green/blue water into the white splashing water and compare it with older photos, you will see that this line is "walking" to the lake direction. The difference at the "waterline" in the height is around 3-4 meters. (At older photos you can see two humans which could be a scale). What will happen if this "waterline" reaches the lake ? All the water from this 3-4 meters from the whole lake will come through the spillway ?
The latest Pamirtimes photo shows widening of the upper left bank in what appears to be erodable material. The lower road has become unusable.Just below this point, we see steep slopes of the landslide that could make lateral erosion a slow process as there's lots of material that can come down, possibly even create a new blockage at a higher level. Much depends on the stability and resistance of this material.George
June 7 PamirTimes Focus image and text,and large.It looks like erosion on right side (as you look upstream) has gotten much closer to the top of the spillway.Google's earth view of the spillway is instructive. Just looking at these images had suggested to me that the spillway's right side was the original river valley and the left was the landslide. But google shows that the right side of spillway is material from the landslide thrust across the river. And to my mind, the original riverbed is beneath this right side heap. Returning the Hunza to normal, ie unobstructed flows, will neccessarily mean eroding much of this right side.
Dave-Would it be possible to get the height of the lake on the right-hand side of the graph? So we have rate of flow on the left-hand side and lake height on the right-hand side. Of course scale it appropriately.The flow looks logistic.Also, while I am at it, it'd be nice to have inflow estimates too, hopefully the left-hand scale could be used.
Dear Dr. David Patley,I have a suggestion which may ease the situation at the Hunza Lake.The Egyptians used giant water cannons to breach the 18 metre high sand walls of Barlev Line during the 1973 war with Israel.I think if such water cannons are employed to gradually widen the water channel,the resultant flow would be gradual and controlled. This may also avert a major dam break event. I have 25 years of experience in demolition of Ammunition and explosives.I also have experience of service in this area. The soil is sandy and so unstable that resorting to any sort of demolition with Ammunition or explosives would surely lead to unpredictable event and with such an amount of pressure behind the Dam, this could be disasterous.With this in mind I have thought of this method for which I request your expert opinion.Yours' Sincerely,Colonel ( retd)Kaiser Hameed Khan