September 2, 2015

Teaching Professor Tips – there’s an app for that!

Posted by Laura Guertin

Looking for some fresh ideas and teaching tips to kick off the semester and to continue to come your way the entire year? A free app is available to provide you daily teaching tips. Here’s a description of the app, and a screenshot of what you will see on your mobile device:

Teaching Professor Tips is a handy resource for faculty. The free app delivers a daily teaching tip to your smart phone or tablet. Brief and to the point, each tip provides a nugget of practical wisdom regarding assignment strategies, student engagement, classroom management, grading and feedback, instructional vitality, and more. The material comes from the vast library of Magna Publications, producers of The Teaching Professor newsletter and conferences (2016 conference link).

Many of the tips are posted with a link to additional information. Some recent tips have included:

  • “Having students come to class prepared is a course design issue. It is about setting up incentives and constraints that the students will then respond to. – Lynn Gillette in How Do I Get Students to Come to Class Prepared?”
  • “When you’re thinking about class activities that support both extroverts and introverts, consider how much time you spend in active learning strategies and group work, and then balance that with some time for quiet reflection. – Nick Monahan”
  • “Own your mistakes. You won’t lose the respect of your students if you make mistakes. But, you might gain a few units of respect if you say you are sorry for the occasional mistake. Apologize for being late, or for not getting the papers graded by the time you promised, or you forgot the handouts. – Kristin Roush in How Do Master Teachers Create a Positive Classroom?”

Users can specify the time of day they want to receive their tip, share favorite tips on social media or email, and send their own tips to the editor for possible inclusion. *Note that if you try to tweet any of these tips, the tweet will be over 140 characters and will be cut off.

Download the app on iTunes (will work on an iPhone and iPad) >>

Download the app on Google Play >>

Share these tips and discuss with your colleagues today!