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9 February 2015
Simulating submarine landslides
Joris Eggenhuisen has published a fascinating video on Youtube showing a simulation of submarine landslides using the Eurotank Flume at Utrecht University
17 December 2013
The 500 cubic kilometre landslide that we all missed – triggered by the Tohoku earthquake
A NERC press release today suggests that the tsunami triggered by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake was exacerbated by a 500 cubic kilometre submarine landslide
17 January 2012
Two interesting landslide posts on other sites
Links to two really interesting landslide posts elsewhere: one is about a slip in Canada and the other a huge submarine slide.
29 June 2011
The mini-tsunami on the south coast of England – a submarine landslide?
A short description and video of an intriguing “mini-tsunami” off the south coast of England on Monday. Reports attribute it to a submarine landslide, but more information is needed to ascertain whether this is really the case.
23 March 2010
The Haiti tsunami
The State of the Planet blog, which is the blog of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, reports on an ongoing investigation of the tsunami that killed a small number of people to the west of Port-au-Prince (image below from the National Geographic). The research has involved drilling cores into the sediment on the sea floor near to the tsunami. Their initial analysis suggests that the tsunami was caused by …
22 March 2010
A new submarine landslide at NW Rota, near Guam
The NW Rota volcano is located in the Mariana Volcanic Arc, about 100 km north of Guam at a depth of about 520 below sea level. NSF currently funds an scientific expedition to this active volcano; a scientific cruise to this site is currently occurring. The team are running a blog of their experiences and findings – it is here. Yesterday they reported that in the time since their 2009 …
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