You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
5 October 2022
The Cochin slide: a huge submarine landslide
The Cochin slide: a new paper published in the journal Landslide describes a 138 km long submarine landslide southwest of India
4 February 2022
The 1979 Nice Airport landslide and tsunami
On 16 October 1979 a landslide in fill at Nice airport triggered a massive submarine landslide and tsunami, which killed at least 8 people.
18 November 2019
90 years after the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake: the hazards of submarine landslides on the western North Atlantic passive margin
On the 90th anniversary of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake and tsunami, a new study suggests that tsunamigenic submarine landslides may be more common than we thought
29 May 2019
The Baiyun–Liwan submarine slide: an ancient giant landslide in the South China Sea
In a new paper, Zhu et al. (2019) report the discovery of the giant Baiyun–Liwan submarine slide, which covers an area of c.40,000 sq km in the South China Sea
8 February 2019
Submarine landslides can creep too – my latest paper
Submarine landslides can creep too: we have just published a paper (Carey et al. 2019) in the journal Geomorphology exploring the mechanisms of movement of the Tuaheni landslide offshore from New Zealand
13 February 2018
Diatom ooze: the weak link in submarine landslides?
A new paper in the journal Geology (Urlaub et al. 2018) proposes that the key factor that allows giant submarine landslides maybe the combination of compressible diatom ooze and a capping layer of low permeability clay
6 February 2018
The first submarine sackungen: a new paper
A paper just published in Geo-Marine Letters, Conway and Barrie 2018 – describes a new landslide type – the submarine sackungen – observed in the flanks of Douglas Channel in British Columbia
27 February 2017
NIWA maps huge submarine landslides triggered by the Kaikoura earthquakes
In New Zealand, two research cruises by NIWA have mapped massive submarine landslides triggered by the Kaikoura earthquakes
29 September 2015
The Inskip sinkhole in Australia – undoubtedly a landslide
On Saturday a section of beach dramatically collapsed in Queensland, Australia to form the Inskip Sinkhole. It is now clear that this was actually a submarine landslide.
12 May 2015
Sorkjosen (Sørkjosen) in Norway – an unusual underwater landslide
Early on Sunday morning an interesting underwater landslide occurred in the town of Sorkjosen (Sørkjosen) in Norway, closing the only highway linking northern Norway with the remainder of the country
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