You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
28 September 2022
The 1961 Kurenivka mudslide in Ukraine
On 13 March 1961 the Kurenivka mudslide killed up to 1,500 people in the city of Kyiv in Ukraine. Reports of the event were suppressed by the Soviet authorities,
15 February 2019
Sausalito: a mudslide damages houses in California
Heavy rain in California, brought by an atmospheric river event, triggered a significant mudslide in Sausalito yesterday, causing damage to several houses
30 January 2017
A terrifying and tragic mudslide video from Arequipa in Peru
Dramatic footage has emerged of a mudflow on the Panamerican Sur highway in Arequipa in Peru that caused three people to lose their lives
10 July 2014
Shawa mudslide: first pictures of another mining-related landslide?
Xinhua and other agencies have released images of the Shawa mudslide, Yunnan Province, which killed 17 people. It appears to be another mining-related slide.
9 July 2014
Shawa village: a significant mudslide in China
A mudslide in Shawa Village in Fugong County, Yunnan Province in China may mark the beginning of the unusually late landslide season across Asia
28 May 2014
Grand Mesa: an unusually large and mobile mudslide
The Grand Mesa mudslide in Mesa County, Colorado at the weekend was an unusually mobile rotational landslide / mudflow event that killed three people
28 March 2014
The Oso (Steelhead) landslide: mechanisms of movement and the challenges of recovering the victims
Seismic data indicates that the Oso (Steelhead) landslide was a two phase movement event. Sadly attention is now focused on the recovery of the remains of the victims rather than on a rescue operation
31 March 2010
Can toads detect forthcoming earthquakes (and landslides?)
The mainstream media is reporting a story this morning that breeding toads in Italy apparently relocated from their nests five days before last year’s L’aquilla earthquake in Italy. This is picking up on a paper published in the Journal of Zoology today by a team from the Open University. The paper examines toad numbers at San Ruffino lake, 74 km from the earthquake focus: The authors observed that on 28th …
7 February 2010
Mudslides occur in the areas affected by the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles
The Station Fire was a huge forest fire that occurred on the northern edge of Los Angeles in late 2009:It was finally brought under control on 16th October 2009, by which time it had burnt a huge area, thought to be over 160,000 acres (image from NASA): In the aftermath of the fire considerable concern has been expressed about the potential for damaging mudflows in the burnt area, magnified by …
15 January 2010
Why the Haiti earthquake takes us into new territory for disaster response
The Haiti earthquake rightly continues to dominate the news around the world, with the situation on the ground looking increasingly desperate. The news media are already reporting on the growing frustration amongst the population about the lack of aid, not uncommon in large disasters actually, but probably magnified in this case. Although every rapid onset disaster is different, in a number of ways this event takes us into new territory. …
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