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10 September 2010
Ruapehu lahar information
One of the many highlights of the splendid IAEG Congress in Auckland this week was a talk by GNS geologist Chris Massey on the 18th March 2007 lahar at Mount Ruapehu on North Island. The lahar occurred as a result of the failure of a tephra wall holding back the crater lake at the summit, and is shown by this NASA image: The potential for a lahar had been anticipated …
20 May 2010
Volcanic landslide in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Whilst the Attabad landslide continues to be my major blogging preoccupation at the moment (I’m guessing you might have noticed…), of course other landslides continue to occur around the world. On16th May a slip happened on Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The reports suggest that 43 people are likely to have been killed, and a further 1,500 directly affected by this slide.Nyiragongo volcano is active, so this …
24 November 2009
More El Salvador lahar satellite imagery
In an earlier post today I highlighted the availability of satellite imagery covering the El Salvador lahar disaster, triggered by Hurricane Ida earlier this month. Whilst sitting in a conference session this morning it occurred to me that the Disaster Charter, which provides satellite images for disaster relief and recovery operation, was also triggered by this event. So I had a quick look at the web page for this triggering …
Satellite imagery of the El Salvador lahars
NASA has released before and after satellite images of the lahars (volcanic debris flows) triggered by Hurricane Ida in El Salvador earlier this month. The final toll of the landslides remains unclear, over 60 is the widely reported statistic. The images are false colour composites collected by the ASTER instrument. These images differentiate between vegetation, which appears as red colours, and bare ground, which appear as a blue-grey colour. Such …
9 November 2009
El Salvador landslide disaster
The nature of the landslide disaster in El Salvador caused by Hurricane Ida is now becoming a little clearer. The largest event appears to have happened in the town of Verapaz, where it appears that a debris flow hit and destroyed part of the town. The reported death toll is 16 people, with a further 47 thought to be missing. There are two intriguing aspects to this landslide. The first …
10 August 2009
A dreadful weekend of landslides
The last few days have been a dreadful period for landslides. I really cannot cover all that has happened in enough detail, so all I can do is to outline the main events: 1. Rotorua rockfall, New ZealandActually the period started with a very lucky escape in New Zealand on Thursday when a rockfall on a slope under maintenance crushed a car with two passengers. Both were trapped but were …
24 October 2008
Forced to flee
IRIN, the UN Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs, has produced a rather nice video about the impact of lahars (a landslide in comparatively young volcanic materials) in the Philippines. The landslide occurred during Typhoon Durian (known in the Philippines as typhoon Reming) in 2006. Wikipedia image of the track of typhoon Durian (Reming) in 2006. The orange dots indicate the locations at which the typhoon was at its …
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