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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

25 February 2020

Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia

Spatial and temporal patterns of landslide losses in Colombia Back in 2012 I posted about the levels of landslide losses in Colombia, which is one of the most landslide prone countries, based on my fatal landslide database.  I noted that levels of loss are high, especially in the western side of the country, and that Colombia needs to be a priority country if we are to reduce loss worldwide. It …


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9 September 2019

The impact of the 2017 Mocoa debris flows

A new study of the 2017 Mocoa debris flows in Colombia (Prada-Sarmiento et al. 2019) indicates that the area had suffered 11 previous events in the 70 years prior to the disaster.


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10 June 2019

An image of the state of the Hidtroituango powerhouse

Images have been published showing the extreme levels of damage, caused by flooding, to the Hidroituango powerhouse in Colombia.


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29 March 2019

The Mocoa Debris Flow: an analysis of the causes and effects

A detailed analysis has been published in the journal Landslides of the 2017 Mocoa Debris Flow in Colombia, which killed 409 people.


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18 January 2019

Hidroituango: the complex geology behind the major problems in the mountain

Hidroituango: the complex geology behind the problems in the mountain, with suggestions that the powerhouse cavern might lie at the intersection of 2 faults


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18 July 2018

Hidroituango: an update

Problems continue at the Hidroituango dam site in Colombia. Last week a significant seismic event was recorded in the power house cavern, which is thought to have been generated by a further rockfall in the underground excavation.


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21 June 2018

Hidroituango: Renewed movement suggests a landslide of up to 200,000 cubic metres may occur soon

A new evacuation of workers has been ordered at the Hidroituango dam site in Colombia in light of a potential landslide of up to 200,000 cubic metres in the next few days. The integrity of the dam is not considered to be threatened.


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18 June 2018

Hidroituango: a substantial step towards reducing the immediate risk

Yesterday the operators of the dam at Hidroituango announced that the crest of the structure has reached 415 m. This is a substantial step towards increasing the safety of the site


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11 June 2018

Hidroituango – continued small landslides, and proposals for a way forward

Yesterday a small landslide at the Hidroituango dam site led to the evacuation of some of the workers on the site. Operations continue to manage the situation whilst waiting for the end of the rainy season, and an expected fall in the river level


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6 June 2018

Hidroituango: the potential for extremely large landslides?

News reports from Colombia say that an American technical report (possibly by USACE) suggests that landslides of up to 40 million cubic metres are possible at Hidroituango. As the report is not publicly available it is hard to know how to interpret these reports


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