27 March 2023

Novato: an interesting landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in California

Posted by Dave Petley

Novato: an interesting landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in California

Last week, the latest in a long series of large storms struck California, triggering another round of flooding and landslides.  One particularly interesting slope failure occurred at Novato in Marin County.  The San Francisco Chronicle has a nice image of the aftermath:-

The aftermath of the landslide in Novato, California.

The aftermath of the landslide in Novato, California. Image from the San Francisco Chronicle.


A Tweet by Sarah Klieves,  a senior producer for NBC Bay Area, provides the best perspective though:-


This is a view from that video, showing the landslide:-

The landslide at Novato, California.

The landslide at Novato, California. Image from a Tweet by Sarah Klieves of NBC Bay Area.


The location of the landslide appears to be [38.1444, -122.5652]:-

Google Earth image of the site of the landslide at Novato, California.

Google Earth image of the site of the landslide at Novato, California.


Interestingly, Redwood Boulevard, which is the road damaged by the landslide, was constructed in 2015.  A Google Earth image from March that year shows that the slope at the site of the landslide was cut and reprofiled, and that drains were installed:-

Google Earth image of the site of the landslide at Novato, California in March 2015, showing engineering works underway at the site.

Google Earth image of the site of the landslide at Novato, California in March 2015, showing engineering works underway at the site.


It is interesting that at this site the slope is a little steeper than in the adjacent areas, which presumably is the reason for the additional works, including the drains. That failure is a classic slump.  Fortunately the toe has not extended to the main highway, and the limited mobility of the debris has meant that this road is unaffected.  However, the landslide has caused disruption to a watermain and to a gas pipeline.