30 September 2008
Further update on situation in Sichuan
Posted by Dave Petley
The China Daily has today published an article that describes the situation around Beichuan as a result of the current heavy rains. The article is here. The situation is sounding increasingly dangerous. For example:
“As a result of heavy rains and incessant mudslides, the plan to rebuild quake-devastated Beichuan county in northern Sichuan province as an earthquake museum has been put on hold, a local official said.”
“A large part of the county is now buried under the mudslides caused by unprecedented downpour since last Wednesday.”
“Beichuan … consists of an old town in the southwest and a new town in the northeast. Half of the old town has already been buried by mudslides. Only two roofs could be seen in the 1 sq km area. In some places, the mud is even more than 40 m deep.”
“As if the mudslides were not enough, there’s a looming threat of floods as the mudslides from mountains have blocked the upper reaches of the river, Lin said” [Lin Chuan is the head of local culture and tourist bureau].