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You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.

25 December 2018

Bureya River: a large landslide but not a meteorite impact in Russia

Bureya River: on 11th December 2018 a large landslide occurred in the Khabarovsk region of Russia. Speculation suggested it was a meteor impact. It wasn’t.


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16 August 2008

Good spoof: Perseid Meteor Shower Triggers Mountain Landslide

Amusing story at the Spoof:Perseid Meteor Shower Triggers Mountain LandslideThe Perseid Meteor shower was so intense on the night of August 11th that it triggered a landslide along Interstate 74 in North Carolina. Meteorites fell on a top of a mountain that overlooks the four lane interstate highway between Murphy and Andrews in western North Carolina. Rocks and boulders rained down on the road and authorities stated that traffic has …


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