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6 June 2011
Forecasts for the 2011 global landslide season
A brief review of 201 forecasts for large-scale weather phenomena that are associated with landslides during the northern hemisphere summer
8 October 2010
September 2010 fatal landslide statistics
Most readers will be aware that I collate statistics for fatal landslides occurring worldwide. I have now processed the statistics for September, and the results are as follows: Number of landslide events that caused one or more fatalities worldwide: 36Number of people killed by landslides: 377 This compares with the following average number for 2002-2009: Number of landslide events that caused one or more fatalities worldwide: 37.4 Number of people …
3 September 2010
August fatal landslide data
The end of the month marks the point at which I post the accumulated totals for fatal landslides, based upon the global fatal landslide database that I maintain. The raw figures for August are stark. The total number of fatal landslides recorded in the month was 71, resulting in 2,740 fatalities. This total is of course dominated by the Zhouqu landslide in China, which is reported to have resulted in …
17 June 2010
Attabad – locals taking the situation into their own hands
Several media outlets in Pakistan are reporting that the level of frustration amongst the displaced people at Attabad has reached the point that they have taken the situation into their own hands. The Pamir Times has a pictorial record of what they have chosen to do – a large group have been working on the banks of the channel in an attempt to widen it. There is a full gallery …
11 March 2010
The landslide at Attabad has developed seepage
Late last week the landslide at Attabad started to develop some seepage. Over the last few days this has gradually increased in rate and is now measured at about 9.4 cubic feet per second (0.25 cubic metres per second). The Pamir Times has some images of the seepage: Given this volume of water it is likely that this is flow through the dam, although at the moment this remains unconfirmed. …
13 February 2010
An analysis of fatal landslides in the Asia-Pacific region for 2006 to 2008
In my last post I published two maps of fatal landslide occurrence in the years 2006 to 2008 inclusive, based upon my long term fatal landslide database. In this post I focus on the Asia Pacific region. This analysis does not include seismically-induced landslides, most notably the Wenchuan (Sichuan) earthquake, which triggered a large number of slides, killing over 20,000 people. The basic statistics of the data are in the …
23 September 2009
An interesting landslide website: Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants’ (OMIV)
In France there is an organisation called OMIV (Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants), which is charged with the responsibility to “conduct geomorphologic, geologic, hydrologic, geophysical and seismic studies related to long-term monitoring, understanding of processes, and assessment of hazards at several active landslides”. Perhaps most interestingly, they make the data from their various measurements available online, which provides a great research and teaching tool. The website is here: The …
An interesting landslide website: Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants' (OMIV)
In France there is an organisation called OMIV (Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants), which is charged with the responsibility to “conduct geomorphologic, geologic, hydrologic, geophysical and seismic studies related to long-term monitoring, understanding of processes, and assessment of hazards at several active landslides”. Perhaps most interestingly, they make the data from their various measurements available online, which provides a great research and teaching tool. The website is here: The …
11 September 2009
Real time landslide monitoring in New Zealand – the Utiku landslide
I have posted previously about the near real time landslide monitoring project that is being undertaken on the Taihape landslide by the GEONET team in New Zealand. The most amazing aspect of this project is that the monitoring data is streamed onto a web server and can then be viewed using a rather neat online graphing package (available here). The great news is that the team have now instrumented another …
6 September 2009
August 2009 fatal landslide map
Here is the fatal landslide map for August 2009. As usual each yellow dot represents a single landslide that killed one or more people: Click on the map for a better (downloadable) view in a new window. The statistics are as follows:Number of recorded fatal landslides: 53Number of fatalities: 782 In terms of fatalities this places August well above the 2002-2008 average (347 fatalities). Of course this is dominated by …
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