23 September 2009
An interesting landslide website: Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants’ (OMIV)
Posted by Dave Petley
In France there is an organisation called OMIV (Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants), which is charged with the responsibility to “conduct geomorphologic, geologic, hydrologic, geophysical and seismic studies related to long-term monitoring, understanding of processes, and assessment of hazards at several active landslides”. Perhaps most interestingly, they make the data from their various measurements available online, which provides a great research and teaching tool. The website is here:
The key aspect of the site is detailed four case studies of landslides in France. In each case detailed information is provided on each landslide, together with a quite detailed explanation of the slide. One example is the La Valette mudslide, which is this one (Google Earth image):
For each of the landslides it is possible to download an array of information, including maps, seismic datasets, movement data, meteorological data, groundwater data, etc. It is quite a resource, and its all available free of charge.
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