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20 October 2022
Landslides from the 14 August 2021 M=7.2 earthquake in Haiti
The 14 August 2021 M=7.2 earthquake in Haiti triggered many landslides. A recent paper (Havenith et al. 2022) suggests that this might in part have been because the slopes were preconditioned (weakened) by earlier earthquakes and storms.
4 May 2022
The Claxton Bay landslide in Trinidad
The residents of a community in the Claxton Bay area of Trinidad in the Caribbean are having their lives destroyed by a landslide
3 September 2021
Landslides from the 14 August 2021 earthquake in Haiti
Landslides triggered by the 14 August 2021 earthquake in Haiti
11 February 2019
Hurricane Maria: a first analysis of landsliding in Puerto Rico
Detailed analysis by the USGS and others shows that Hurricane Maria triggered at least 40,000 landslides in Puerto Rico in 2017
30 October 2017
USGS mapping of landslide density for failures triggered by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
The USGS has now published provisional maps of landslide density for failures triggered by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
4 October 2016
The Sucun Village landslide in China and prospects for landslides in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew
The Sucun Village landslide in China killed 27 people, whilst there are worrying prospects of landslides in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew
24 August 2015
My new paper: human losses from landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean
In my latest paper, written with Sergio Sepulveda, Regional trends and controlling factors of fatal landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean, we look at ten years of human losses from landslides across this key area of the world.
15 July 2015
The Judgement Cliff Rock Avalanche in Jamaica
In June 1692 the Port Royal earthquake triggered the Judgement Cliff Rock Avalanche in Jamaica, killing at least 19 people
26 February 2013
A new, free landslide resource – Community based landslide risk reduction: Managing disasters in small steps
Liz Holcombe and Malcolm Anderson at Bristol have written a new book, which is available free download, on managing landslide hazard in less developed countries. Based on their pioneering work in the Caribbean, this is an invaluable resource
10 November 2010
Predicting and cutting landslide risk in developing countries
Recently, Professor Malcolm Anderson of Bristol University presented a talk on predicting and cutting landslide risk in developing countries at a Set Squared conference on the impact of university research. This presentation is available online on Youtube and should be visible below. Unfortunately the video does not have the slides, but nonetheless it is a very useful presentation: The Set Squared initiative has a website of it’s own here. The work underlying this presentation has a page …
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