You are browsing the archive for Landslides Mudslides.
5 April 2020
The 1935 colliery landslide in Cwmaman, South Wales
In 1935 a large colliery landslide came very close to causing major damage to Cwmaman in South Wales. An archive Pathe News report provides detail.
11 January 2017
The 1906 Haverstraw landslide
The 1906 Haverstraw landslide This week marked the 111th anniversary of the disastrous Haverstraw landslide in Rockland County, New York, which killed 19 people. The disaster was caused by the folly of humans, chasing wealth to be made from the excavation of glacial blue clay, ideal for brick making. At the height of the industry there were an estimated 3,000 labourers making 350 million bricks per year in Haverstraw. Over …
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