7 June 2022

Thai Nguyen: the destructive power of rockfalls

Posted by Dave Petley

Thai Nguyen: the destructive power of rockfalls

I have written frequently about the dangers associated with poor quality road construction in mountainous areas, which often leaves steep cut slopes prone to landslides and rockfalls.  Over the years I have documented numerous examples of tragedies that have occurred as a result.  Sadly, poor construction approaches continue, especially in countries such as Nepal and India.

A video posted to Youtube last week illustrates the destructive power of rockfalls in a highly graphic manner.  The video was captured on 26 May at Thai Nguyen province in Vietnam.  I have no more context than this, but it serves as a stark illustration:-


The event itself is interesting – the video gives no indication of precursory activity, and the first motorcyclist who passes by does not seem aware of the danger.  The conditions are dry.  The main block is intact when it strikes the road, but catastrophically fragments on impact:-

The 26 May 2022 rockfall on a road at Thai Nguyen in Vietnam.

The 26 May 2022 rockfall on a road at Thai Nguyen in Vietnam. Still from a video posted to Youtube.


The likely impact on any passing traffic is clear.  The motorcyclist who had a lucky escape is seen on the right side of the video towards the end.  She/he seems remarkably calm!