4 May 2020

Sardoba Reservoir: a major dam collapse in Uzbekistan on 1 May 2020, plus the EGU2020 Day 1 programme and a car crash interview about diversity in the geosciences

Posted by Dave Petley

Sardoba Reservoir: a major dam collapse in Uzbekistan on 1 May 2020, plus the EGU2020 Day 1 programme and a car crash interview about diversity in the geosciences

On Friday 1 May 2020 a major collapse occurred in the earth-filled dam of Sardoba Reservoir in Uzbekistan, causing extensive flooding.  The video below, posted to Youtube, shows the breach with water pouring through, and the development of the resultant flooding:-


News reports suggest that up to 70,000 people were evacuated and 50 people were injured.  An investigation has been launched.

The dam is comparatively new – most reports suggest that the reservoir was completed in 2017 – suggesting that there was either a design or a construction error. The location is 40.337, 68.421.  Below is a Google Earth image, from 2019, showing the embankment.  I have pinpointed where the failure occurred.  At the time of the image the reservoir was not full:-

Sardoba dam failure

Google Earth image of the location of the Sardoba Dam failure on 1 May 2020.


Planet Labs have captured a slightly hazy but admirably clear image of the site of the dam failure:-

Sardoba dam failure

The location of the Sardoba Dam failure. Planet Labs PlanetScope image captured on 3 May 2020. Copyright Panet Labs, used with permission


Note the breached embankment, the drained reservoir and the clear downstream erosion and outwash deposits.  Interestingly, the image from 1 May 2020, the day of the breach, we affected by haze or high altitude cloud.  However, the image does capture the ongoing failure of the structure:-

Sardoba Dam failure

The Sardoba Dam failure in action. Planet Labs PlanetScope image captured on 1 May 2020. Copyright Planet Labs, used with permission,


This image, also from 3 May 2020, shows the very extensive flooding downstream:-

Sardoba dam failure flooding

Flooding from the Sardoba Dam failure in action. Planet Labs PlanetScope image captured on 3 May 2020. Copyright Planet Labs, used with permission.


On reflection 1: EGU General Assembly Day 1

Today is the start of the EGU2020 virtual meeting.  This are the landslide sessions on Day 1 (this time I have included submarine landslides too):-

GM2.1 Advances in geomorphometry and landform mapping: possibilities, challenges and perspectives
Convener: Giulia Sofia | Co-conveners: Benjamin Chandler, Frances E. G. Butcher, Susan Conway, Marek Ewertowski, Stuart Grieve, John K. Hillier, Aleksandra Tomczyk
Displays Chat Mon, 04 May, 14:00–15:45.
NH5.6 Subaqueous mass movements: triggers, dynamics and hazards
Convener: Davide Mencaroni  | Co-conveners: Shray Badhani, Kate Heerema, Maarten Heijnen, William Meservy
Displays | Chat Mon, 04 May, 16:15–18:00.


On reflection 2: 1970s attitudes towards diversity from the President of the AAPG

This interview with the President of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists is simply jaw-dropping:-

It is hard to know where to start with this.  There is a need for some serious self-reflection by the individual and the organisation.


Planet Team (2020). Planet Application Program Interface: In Space for Life on Earth. San Francisco, CA. https://www.planet.com/