11 June 2019

Three new landslide videos

Posted by Dave Petley

Three new landslide videos

Three good landslide videos have been posted to Youtube, all of which are worth a look.  We are now moving into the rainy season across much of East and South Asia, meaning that landslide occurrence is increasing.

An impressive landslide in Fujian, China

This landslide, posted by New China TV, reportedly occurred in Sanming in Fujian in China.  The reports indicate that it was triggered by heavy rainfall:-


This still seems to suggest that the landslide initiated on a steep slope that had been cut at the toe.  Note the slope reinforcement on the lower part of the slope.  It is also interesting to note the presence of the electricity pylon, which appears to be close to the crown of the landslide:-

The landslide at Sanming in China

The site of the landslide at Sanming in Fujian, Chine. Still from a video posted to Youtube by New China TV.


A large landslide in the mountains of Hunza, near to Attabad in Pakistan

Northern Areas of Pakistan has posted a nice video of an apparently large landslide in the Bulbul Kešk area of Gulmit in Gojal-Hunza in northern Pakistan, which occurred on 4th June 2019.  The report indicates that the toe of the landslide reached Attabad Lake, causing the boat service to be suspended.  Understandably, given the experience at Attabad nine years ago, this has caused a great deal of concern in the area.


A mobile landslide in Himachal Pradesh, northern India.

Finally, Khabar Bharat has posted a nice video of a much smaller but quite mobile landslide in Kullu District in the Karsha area of Himachal Pradesh in northern India:-


This landslide reportedly blocked the NH305 road between Aani and Luhri.  Interestingly, the landslide appears to have occurred in dry conditions (note the large amounts of dust generated by the landslide). Slope cutting for the road might have been a key factor here.