29 November 2010

Update on the Tawang Monastery and a good article on the tribulations of Pakistan

Posted by Dave Petley

Update on Tawang

Thanks to reader Adrian Moon for tracking this down – an image of the landslide affecting the Tawang Monastery site in India has been posted on the Echo of Aranchal website:

Whilst it is hard to place the image, the most likely spot appears to be the west-facing slope section, which looks to have a landslide morphology:

The cycle of disaster in Pakistan

The BBC News website has a very nice story here about the impact of the most recent floods on the rebuilding and development of the earthquake affected areas of northern Pakistan.  The piece follows with a nice quote from a local resident who has been affected by both disasters:

“It was easier after the earthquake,” says Tahir Khan.  “We had lost just the buildings. This time, everything is gone – the buildings, the fixtures, the generators, the roads and the land on which it was all built.”
