6 June 2008
Tangjiashan – overtopping is imminent
Posted by Dave Petley
Xinhua is reporting that over-topping of the Tangjiashan dam is now absolutely imminent. They Chinese media have reported that the water level in the dam rose to 739.52 metres above sea level at 4 a.m. GMT today. This is 48 centimetres from the bottom of the channel. It appears that further evacuations are now underway.
More as and when information becomes available.
The water level rose to 739.74m at 18:00 (June 6) and the remaining depth for overtopping is just 0.26m.
ripen, where did you find that information?I’ve been searching for update information in English.
And is it GMT +8 ? If so topping should already being occuring.Thanks
I hope someone has some video cameras running on this thing. When it goes, it should be epic!
The time I have mentioned is the time of Beijing. Water level at 15:30 was 739.64m, at 17:00 was 739.70m and at 18:00 was 739.74m. (http://news.sohu.com/20080606/n257337366.shtml)
Water level incresed to 739.82m at 20:00 Beijing time. Probably, the lake will overtop in next 4 to 5 hours.
For the last 6 hours, the water incoming to the lake is about 72 units per second.
The level is 739.87m at 21 Beijing time.
Dear All:at 10:40 Bejing time, the water level is 739.92, only 8 cm. There are still work to increase the channel capacity right now.
Xinhua:Water level of China’s main quake lake Tangjiashan climbed to the critical point of 740 meters on a sluice channel at 0:00 a.m. Saturday, but the long-awaited drainage hasn’t started yet.
Thanks to all who have posted updates , and to those who have emailed me directly – fantastic. I really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much for this information.sohbet