28 November 2022

Excitement! Adventure! Sharing Science at #AGU22

Posted by Olivia Ambrogio

While we in Sharing Science offer events year-round, we love sharing our passion for science communication and its infinite variety with the attendees of AGU’s Fall Meeting.

Check out our virtual and in-person offerings this December:


Science Communication and Engagement with Religious Publics (8 Dec.): With hosts from the AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion program (DoSER), discuss challenges, opportunities and best practices for science engagement with and within faith communities.

In person:

Monday, 12 Dec.

Tuesday, 13 Dec.

Credit: Mj Riches.

  • How to Sketch Your Science – Draw and be inspired with amazing artist Mj Riches conducting the workshop!
  • AGU Impact: Voices for Science – see what some of our current Voices for Science advocates are doing, and consider applying for next year.
  • Science Podcasting 101 – learn (& practice) what’s involved in making, or being part of, a podcast.
  • Sharing Science Office Hours (at AGU Central, 3:00 – 4:00 PM central time) – come chat with your friendly Sharing Science staff about anything SciComm related.
  • The Up-Goer Five Challenge (ED26A) – This session, now convened by AGU attendees, continues to be a delight and a fundamental exercise in good SciComm.

Wednesday, 14 Dec.

Thursday, 15 Dec.

  • Sharing Science Office Hours (at AGU Central, 1:00 – 2:00 PM central time) – come chat with your friendly Sharing Science staff about anything SciComm related.

And all week long, you can visit the Sketch Your Science wall to draw your research and see what other people have drawn.


Check out the Suggested Itineraries (and scroll way down the page) to see a full listing of Skills for Science events at #AGU22, which offer the suite of skills necessary for both professional development and public engagement, including SciComm, science policy, DEI, community science, publishing, and more.


–Olivia V. Ambrogio is the Assistant Director of Sharing Science at AGU, a biologist by training, and an avid SciComm trainer, doodler, and “stealth educator” (ask her about the sex lives of marine snails!). Find her on Instagram @BaggageClam