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29 January 2013
A round up of just a few of the recent landslide events
In the last few weeks there has been an unusual amount of landslide activity worldwide. This is just a few of the more interesting events, there are many more that I’ll try to cover in the next few days. Thanks to everyone who has pointed them out to e, and apologies if I have not acknowledged your contribution or covered your story yet. Please do keep them coming! 1. The …
23 November 2012
Three examples of boulders on the move in the last ten days or so, one from the UK and two from Switzerland
9 April 2012
Honey, the sunroof seems to be jammed…
Greg Springer has kindly made a fantastic album of photos of the recent rockfall in Athens, Ohio available via Flickr
22 March 2012
Boulder vs house
A 7 m diameter boulder thit a large house in Athens Ohio on Tuesday evening, causing considerable damage.
13 April 2010
Toyota Yaris vs rock…
The Mirror newspaper in the UK yesterday carried a dramatc illustration of the effect that a boulder can have on a car. This car was parked by the side of the road in Hayfield in Derbyshire on Sunday when an eight tonne boulder slipped off a lorry. Fortunately there was no-one in the car: Time to buy a new bottle of T-cut? Picture from the Mirror
17 November 2009
Now that is what I call a boulder!
Thanks to Dr Kurt Douglas at the University of New South Wales for drawing my attention to this. The Australian Courier Mail has a story today about a family that survived a near miss from a 1500 tonne boulder that rolled from the hill above their house in southern Queensland on Friday. The rock detached from the slope above their house and rolled to within 50 m of their property …
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