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9 January 2010
The 2009 fatal landslide map and statistics
This post presents the data from the Durham University Fatal Landslide database for 2009. First, this is the map of fatal landslides. Each red dot represents a single landslide recorded on the database. Click on the map for a better view in a new window: The map shows the usual distribution. Note the high incidence of landslides in SW India, the Philippines and in java in Indonesia. The high occurrence …
30 December 2009
Munich Re’s list of the largest disasters of 2009
The reinsurance giant Munich Re releases annual statistics on the losses from natural catastrophes each year. They released the data for 2009 yesterday, presumably banking on the balance of probabilities that there would be no more major events in the three days left of the year. The release is available here: resultsThe news for 2009 is good, with no disasters causing mass (i.e. >10,000) fatalities. There list of the …
Munich Re's list of the largest disasters of 2009
The reinsurance giant Munich Re releases annual statistics on the losses from natural catastrophes each year. They released the data for 2009 yesterday, presumably banking on the balance of probabilities that there would be no more major events in the three days left of the year. The release is available here: resultsThe news for 2009 is good, with no disasters causing mass (i.e. >10,000) fatalities. There list of the …
2 July 2008
June 2008 fatal landslide map
The map below shows the distribution of fatal landslides for June 2008. The statistics are:Number of fatal landslides: 43Number of fatalities: 215 As has been the pattern all year, June was substantially below the average number of fatalities for may in 2003-2007, which is 334 deaths. Interestingly, during June there have been extensive reports of intense and prolonged rainfall events, but this does not seem to have translated into fatal …
2 June 2008
May 2008 Landslide map
The map below shows the distribution of fatal landslides for May 2008. At the moment I am not including the landslides associated with the Sichuan earthquake as I cannot yet estimate the impacts of them. Clearly the numbers of landslides and the numbers of fatalities will dwarf the numbers below. I will try to ascertain the magnitudes in due course, though this is very challenging. I have included reported rainfall-triggered …
2 May 2008
April 2008 landslide map
The map below shows the distribution of fatal landslides for April 2008. The statistics are:Number of fatal landslides: 12Number of fatalities: 33 As I predicted in March, April was once again very substantially below the average for 2003-2007, which is 96 fatalities per year. The distribution is very random, with absolutely no clear pattern. Two fatal landslides occurred in the Himalayan Arc, which is a sign of things to come …
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