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29 March 2017
Nepal rural roads: the hazards of construction without design
Gareth Hearn has written a very nice paper in QJEGH that considers landslide problems on Nepal rural roads, highlighting the need for better route selection and design
1 August 2016
2016 landslide losses
A comparison of 2016 landslide losses to date with those for 2015 suggest that the cost of mass movements this year is high
24 August 2015
My new paper: human losses from landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean
In my latest paper, written with Sergio Sepulveda, Regional trends and controlling factors of fatal landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean, we look at ten years of human losses from landslides across this key area of the world.
24 April 2014
Landslide losses – raising the profile in the USA
Landslide losses in the USA have come into focus in light of the slides at Oso and Jackson Hole. At present, investment in national scale landslide programmes in the US is extraordinarily low.
26 September 2013
The costs to the mining industry of landslides – examples from Brazil and the USA
Two recent examples, from Brazil and Utah, demonstrate the potentially enormous financial impacts of landslides on the mining industry
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