16 March 2018

Forthcoming workshop:- Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides

Posted by Dave Petley

Forthcoming workshop:- Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides

The second JTC-1 workshop will be held from 3rd to 5th December 2018 in Hong Kong.  The topic will be:

Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides

Rapid Flow-like Landslides

Second JTC1 Workshop on Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-like Landslides – this example is from the aftermath of the Kashmir earth in Pakistan in 2005.  Note the highly vulnerable refugee camps in the path of potential landslides.

The workshop is being organised by JTC1, The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, The Geotechnical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  The workshop will be held at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at HKUST in Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong.  Hong Kong is of course a spectacular location for this meeting, with a long history of rapid, flow-like landslides and of course a world-leading programme to manage them.

JTC1 is the Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides of the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS), which is the alliance of the learned societies the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), and the International Association for Engineering Geology (IAEG).

The aim of the Workshop is to promote discussion on the following topics:-

  • Improved understanding in triggering, mechanisms and runout of rapid flow-like landslides, including physical testing and numerical modelling;
  • Advances in risk management and mitigation of rapid flow-like landslides;
  • Diagnosis of notable case histories of rapid flow-like landslides; And
  • Potential impact of climate change on initiation and propagation of rapid flow-like landslides.

Highlights of the workshop include:

Registration details are available here; the deadline is 2nd April 2018. Extended abstracts should be submitted by 30th June 2018.

This will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable and impressive event. I intend to attend, and hope that I will see you there.