30 January 2013

An unusual quarry landslide in Canada yesterday

Posted by Dave Petley

A somewhat unusual quarry landslide occurred yesterday at the Maskimo Quarry in L’Epiphanie in Quebec, Canada.  Montreal CTV News has a good aerial image of the site and the landslide:


On initial inspection the slip appears to have originated in the materials in the slope above the main quarry face, and then to have cascaded over the edge into the main excavation.  Sadly, there were two trucks and excavator on the slope at the time, all of which ended up in the 100 m deep pit.  One of the three people operating this equipment was recovered with only reasonably minor injuries; the other two remain missing.  The image below, from the Montreal Gazette, shows just what a difficult task the rescuers face:


It appears to me that the access road for the main excavation has also been buried, which will hamper the recovery operation.