9 September 2010
IAEG presentation and paper on Attabad
Posted by Dave Petley
Today I presented an invited paper at the 11th Congress of the IAEG in Auckland, New Zealand on the topic of landslide hazards along the Himalayan Arc. This paper starts by looking at global and regional landslide hazard before presenting the state of play at Attabad. As usual, I have uploaded the PowerPoint file to Authorstream, such that you should be able to both view and download it below:
10_09 IAEG petley v2
The written paper has been published in the conference proceedings. I do not have a pdf of the actual printed version but I do have one of the final manuscript. I am working on putting that online, so watch this space.
A pdf of the paper itself is available here:
Note that this paper contains a map of global landslide losses in terms of fatalities and some data both for global losses and for those in the Himalaya.
Note that the typeset format is slightly different from that of the actual published paper, but the content is the same. The reference to the paper is:
Petley, D.N., Rosser, N.J., Karim, D., Wali, S., Ali, N., Nasab, N. and Shaban, K. 2010. Non-seismic landslide hazards along the Himlayan Arc. In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J. and Massey, C.I. (eds) Geologically Active. CRC Press, London, pp. 143-154.
Thank you Dr Dave for posting this excellent presentation.It adds to knowledge.You have done excellent work for making us all understand the complexity of Attabad landslide .Keep up the good work!The recent Pakistan floods have been devastating……BUT we should not forget the Attabad dam still stands with very large volume of water. close to 80 KM of KKH still remains damaged /submerged due to Attabad lake water.On 15th Aug.the government shut down all IDP camps of downstream population (other than those of Attabad IDPs). I understand only FOCUS NGO monitoring team is still in place but even FOCUS has re-deployed large number of their staff for Flood activities in different parts of Pakistan.The outflow from dam is now 12,000 cusecs as per FWO sourceCan someone hazard a informed guess about the behaviour of the dam in coming 3 months.Hussain
Thank you Dave for giving us the possibility to view your presentation. Being a student, Your behaviour is an immense source of knowledge and passion!Thank you again!Efrem